
Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club meets on the first Wednesday of most months: at least in February, April, June, August, October and December, and often in several of the intervening months as well. Our meetings usually consist of a talk or demonstration, with plenty of time for informal discussions before and after.

Recent meetings have included presentations from major RISC OS hardware, software and operating system developers, along with demonstrations of specific pieces of software by experienced users. In addition, we have covered a wide range of other subjects including digital photography, hardware upgrades, networking and problem solving. More information about the topics covered in recent meetings can be found further down the page, and details of future meetings can be found below.

Meetings take place online using the Zoom platform. They start at 7.45pm, and the scheduled part of the evening is generally complete by about 10pm.

Visitors are always welcome to attend our meetings (with the exception of the AGM and EGMs) – contact us for details, or see the Join Us page for information about membership.

Forthcoming meetings

The following meetings are planned for the near future (note that presentations may be re-scheduled due to events outside of our control).

To Be Arranged
2 April 2025

Recent meetings

WROCC’s meetings cover a wide range of topics relating to RISC OS and computing more generally. Here are some of the events from recent months; for a longer list including videos and links to more detailed reports, see our past meetings page.

December 2024

This was followed by him talking about the N.Ex.T project, with news on the latest work on the NVMe drivers and new Block Devices. He showed the new partition facilities and the speed of the new NVMe drives in action. In addition he showed the new high resolution display drivers for 4K monitors with potential refresh rates of up to 175Hz! He briefly gave details of the next major release of PhotoDesk 3.24, with a very large number of enhancements and bug fixes. He also showed the new Hydra computer with Linux running in a RISC OS window. We then had a Christmas Quiz of 12 questions, plus a tie breaker if needed. All entrants were entitled to an item of free software (from a choice of three), but the overall winner was given a more major item of software (also from a choice of three).

You can find links to the meeting on YouTube via its page.

November 2024

Richard Brown and Andrew Rawnsley of RISC OS Developments talked about RISC OS Direct 5.31 (Iris release), and other things.

You can find links to the meeting on YouTube via its page.

October 2024

Andy Marks from RISCOSbits talked about his usage of, and history with, Acorn and RISC OS computers and what spurred him on to set up RISCOSbits back in 2016. He also previewed what RISCOSbits had to offer at the upcoming London show, including things that might appeal to the B&Q/Wickes aficionado.

You can find links to the meeting on YouTube via its page.

September 2024

Tony Bartram demonstrated 3D Moonbase Attack, a 2D space game with an optional 3D anaglyph mode that requires red-blue 3D glasses, due for release at the London Show. He then demonstrated a second game called Droid On with a novel mode of game play, and concerns a damaged robot that is running in low power. There was also a 3D puzzle game scheduled for release in 2025.

You can find links to the meeting on YouTube via its page.

August 2024

Paul Reuvers is the Director of X-Ample Technology (XAT) in The Netherlands. He gave an overview of his involvement in the Acorn/RISC OS world from the early 1980s to the present day. Apart from developing software for the platform, Paul still uses RISC OS on a daily basis for a variety of applications, including web design for one of his other passions. He has a very keen interest in cryptography (|[|]), and is working on an update to the Enigma code machine simulator for RISC OS. He also demonstrated Watermark which creates watermarks on images to prevent copyright breaches.

You can find links to the meeting on YouTube via its page.