Wakefield 2010

A show report and photos on The IconBar.
Show photos taken by WROCC members, as well as by Joel Rowbottom, Dave Moore, and RISC OS Open Ltd.

The show was in two adjacent rooms: this was the larger, seen during one of the more popular theatre presentations

The smaller room, again seen during a presentation while most of the visitors were in the theatre

NetSurf developers Daniel Silverstone, Vince Sanders and Rob Kendrick look relaxed after the launch of NetSurf 2.5

Martin Wuerthner was demonstrating the new ArtWorks 2.X alongside the PostScript 3 drivers and Gutenprint in his popular theatre presentation

Martin Hansen of the MathMagical Software Company used his theatre slot to talk about his old and new software along with some of his other projects

Flicker and Iconiser were both on display at the MathMagical stand

Along with his software, Martin publishes the RISCOScode online magazine – and was showing off its controversial new look

It would be a disappointing show if MathMagical’s stand wasn’t the most flamboyant in the room

The R-Comp stand was a large and well-stocked as ever, with a number of updates available including MessengerPro 6

R-Comp’s Andrew Rawnsley, busy demonstrating some of his products

Nigel Willmott and Martin Avison are the new team behind Chris Morison’s Organizer PIM

Steve Fryatt had a new version of PrintPDF on display, along with CashBook and his other software

A visitor buys a copy of Steve Fryatt’s software on CD – the money went to WROCC’s supported charity, Wakefield Hospice

Vince Hudd of Soft Rock Software was on hand to talk about WebChange, WebChange Pro and It’s No Game – none of which were actually available to buy

Stuart Tyrrell Developments were displaying their range of hardware – including the UNIpod and Vpod – along with a selection of APDL’s products

RISC OS Open were showing RISC OS 5.17 running on two BeagleBoards and a TouchBook, and had CDs, mugs and t-shirts for those who wanted to part with some cash

ROOL used their show theatre slot to talk about the progress being made porting RISC OS to new hardware

RISCOS Ltd had the usual range of RISC OS 4 and Six updates along with Select subscriptions, programmers’ documentation and information for those interested in emulation

Paul Middleton of RISCOS Ltd takes advantage of a quiet momemt to get a bite to eat, surrounded by a wide range of hardware running RISC OS

Richard Brown of Orpheus Internet Services was on hand to guide RISC OS users on to the internet

Jim Nagel, Archive Magazine’s current editor, was at the show with a new issue of the periodical

Archive’s former editor, Paul Beverley, was at the show to give his successor a hand

Qercus editor, John Cartmell, used his show theatre slot to demonstrate some of the things you can do with the magazine

In the absence of a new issue of Qercus at the show, these two Meccano models found themselves standing in at short notice

Paul Stewart – editor of the platform’s newest magazine – was enthusiastically talking about Drag ‘n’ Drop

The WROCC stand had copies of the new Networking Guide, back copies of the monthly newsletter, and details of the Club’s other activities

The Charity Stall, staffed by WROCC volunteers, helped to raise over £400 for Wakefield Hospice through selling unwanted electronic tat

8-bit machines were represented at the show by Retro Software and Joel Rowbottom, who had a number of old favourites on display

Repton through the ages – well, 1983 to 1986, at least

Joel Rowbottom’s Domesday System was present once again, with visitors able to look up parts of the country that they were familiar with

Some of the additional literature that supported the Domesday System being displayed by its guardian, Joel Rowbottom

All the data for the Domesday system is stored on laserdiscs – they’re just like big CD ROMs, and hold a whopping 300MB... on each side

WROCC’s Treasurer, Derek Baron – one of the team without whom the show would not happen

Peter Richmond was one half of the double-act who made the show theatre run smoothly throughout the day

Ruth Gunstone – co-organiser of the show theatre – finds a few seconds of peace during the day

Steve Bass – another member of WROCC’s Committee, who together have been planning the 2010 show since the autumn